Introduction | Requirements | Usage | Feedback | Developer Information | Copyright


  Job-scheduler is a program that schedules programs to be run at their specified times. It gives users several options for scheduling programs. Job-scheduler reads an input file which contains necessary information for scheduling possibly several programs. For each program in input file you can specify many things:

  You can make it run cyclically or only at specified times given in the input file. You can define a run interval instead of only the program start time, the program will be run at the start of this interval and will be killed at the end of the interval (if it is still running). And also you can tell job-scheduler what to do in the program's run interval if the program terminates, that is you tell scheduler to run the program only once, rerun it if it terminates, or rerun it until its return value equals to zero.

  You can read "input_file_format" file to learn how to write a job-scheduler input file.


This program needs the ZThread library which is downloadable from "".


  To invoke job-scheduler just type:

$ job-scheduler [-b] input_file [log_file]

  Where input file is the file from which the input should be read (put - sign for standard input), and log_file is the file that log messages go (put - sign for standard output or nothing for no log file).

  The '-b' or '--background' argument, if specified, sends the program to background after program startup.

  The input file should be in the correct format. You should read  "input_file_format"  file for more information.


  Send your suggestions or bug reports to <>.

Developer Information

  Ali Gholami Rudi <>.


  This program is free software and under the terms of GPL (GNU General Public License). Read the "COPYING" file for more information about the GPL license.